restauracja wrocław

Family events

Organising a Family Event

Family events and their organisation poses no difficulty for us. The large room gives us the opportunity to organise family events, both large and small, spent just with your loved ones. That is why we invite everyone wishing to organise a party for popular family occasions such as: christenings, communions, birthdays, name days, engagement parties, graduation thesis defence or any other worthy of special celebration. Our aim is first and foremost customer satisfaction - which is why we make every effort to meet your individual requirements. We will be happy to advise you professionally on how your event should look. Special menus? Gluten-free or vegetarian dishes? You don't have to worry about such matters with us. The dishes we serve, as well as the decoration and décor, are always tailored to the type of party, its rank or the time of day.

Family events Wrocław

Organising family events in the Summer Restaurant, you do not have to worry about zoo tickets, which we are happy to organise at an affordable price. You can therefore combine your family party with a visit to the zoo and the Afrykarium. In addition, we provide a wide selection of dishes with individual menus, as well as professional waiter service, the possibility to use the stage, sound system and green areas in front of the restaurant.

691-704-119 |

Organisation of christenings

Organisation of communion

Family events

Where is the Summer Restaurant located?

The facility is located on the grounds of the Wrocław Zoo.

Do I need to buy zoo tickets when I attend a family event at a restaurant?

If you are a guest of an event taking place at the Summer Restaurant, then most often the purchase of tickets falls on us and is included in the cost of the event.

What is the area of the restaurant?

The area of the restaurant is 450sqm and the height is 5m. The restaurant's surroundings also include summer gardens with approximately 300 seats.
